Anjali, the collective endeavor of Pujari has been satisfying the literary cravings of the community since its inception. Pujari patrons look forward to the Sharodiya issues of Anjali in their full glory every year. Anjali brings out the colorful bouquets of collection contributed by the young the old members of Pujari as well as well-known writers from India, US and other countries.
If you are interested in submitting a literary piece, here are some simple guidelines to follow:
Articles from all ages on all subjects are welcome.
Subject: Articles, Short story(up to 2 pages), Poems, Essays and Illustrations/drawings.
Language: Bangla & English.
Format: Word doc, Bangla font (gmail or bwd format) without any formatting.
Pease do not send any copyrighted work. We do not publish articles that have been or may be published elsewhere, unless by prior agreement.
Send your document by email to, by the published submission deadline.
Pujari reserves the right to edit and modify any submitted literary piece to fit the context and format of the magazine. Pujari also reserves the right to choose which submitted literary pieces are finally published.